Always watching for places to play foosball.

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Foosball Locations: United States
United States foosball playing locations:
Alabama (7)
Alaska (4)
Arizona (25)
Arkansas (1)
California (38)
Colorado (39)
Connecticut (8)
Delaware (3)
District Of Columbia (1)
Florida (8)
Georgia (4)
Idaho (14)
Illinois (4)
Indiana (1)
Iowa (5)
Louisiana (4)
Maine (14)
Maryland (31)
Massachusetts (27)
Michigan (3)
Minnesota (11)
Mississippi (3)
Montana (3)
Nevada (7)
New Hampshire (2)
New Mexico (2)
New York (22)
North Carolina (6)
Ohio (11)
Oklahoma (4)
Oregon (2)
Pennsylvania (22)
Puerto Rico (1)
Rhode Island (2)
South Dakota (2)
Tennessee (3)
Texas (13)
Utah (3)
Virginia (6)
Washington (3)
Wisconsin (2)
Wyoming (14)
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Featured Foosball Locations

McDuffy's Sports Bar - Tempe, Arizona -- Wynkoop - Denver, Colorado
Electric Cowboy - Little Rock, Arkansas -- Last Day Saloon - San Francisco, California -- Subber - Taipei, Taiwan -- South First Billiards - San Jose, California
